17 June 2006


Click is an upcoming comedy/drama/fantasy film directed by Frank Coraci. It is currently scheduled to be released on June 23, 2006. Click tells the story of overworked Michael Newman, (Adam Sandler), an architect so wrapped up in his job because of his idiot boss (David Hasselhoff), that his family is forced to take the backseat, particularly frustrating his wife (Kate Beckinsale). But when he goes to a Bed, Bath and Beyond store, Michael finds himself in the "Way Beyond" section, where he meets Morty (Christopher Walken), an eccentric inventor. Morty gives Michael a universal remote control which by design looks unusual, but Michael takes it for granted and treats it just like an everyday object. Until one day, a casual thing prompts Michael to realize he doesn't possess an ordinary remote control. It literally allows him to fast-forward, rewind, and even pause his own life and quite possibly have the life he's been neglecting. With this newfound product being a savior to Michael, he might just get to enjoy life...until the remote starts acting up in a way Michael can't control and forces him to deal with the consequences of his actions.

Mi-au furat ideea! Adevarul e ca, fiind dependenta de televizor, si mai ales de telecomanda, in viata reala am mereu, cand nu imi place ceva, tendinta de a-mi dori sa "schimb programul". Ma plictisesc repede in orice situatie si atunci as vrea sa pot opri "emisiunea". Uit mereu ca asta-i viata reala nu filmul vietii!

I'm back in few minuts... or hours... or days...

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