27 December 2020

Jean-Claude si Louise-Marie

Aveam un coleg de serviciu care scria pe casete titlurile cantecelor asa cum le intelegea el. De exemplu "Just an illusion" era trecut ca "Astamilugi". Ce-ai scris Șurubel pe caseta? Ha, ha, radeam noi de el! In realitate, inafara de titluri nu prea intelegeam nici noi mare lucru din cuvintele cantecelor in engleza. Azi am dat de acest cantec al lui Smokie "I'll Meet You at Midnight" si aflu cu stupoare, dupa zeci de ani, ca e vorba despre Jean-Claude, care era student la Université si Louise-Marie, care "is just a world away" (ce-o fi insemnand?) si care trebuiau sa aiba un rendez-vous la miezul noptii, dar, din nu stiu ce motive, nu s-a mai intamplat nimic. Oricum melodia e foarte ofertanta, poti sa-ti imaginezi orice!
Sincer, intelege cineva cand zice el Champs-Élysées, cum pronunta el?
Ca sa ne edificam, iata si the lyrics (pentru care mi-au trebuit vreo 3 zile ca sa reconstitui textul corect, am vazut cateva versiuni in care frazele nu aveau niciun sens...,in sfarsit, acum au un sens):

A summer evening on Les Champs Elysees
A secret rendez-vous they planned for days
A sea of faces in the crowded cafe
A sound of laughter as the music plays
Jean-Claude was student at the Universite'
Louise-Marie is just a world away
He recall the night they met was warm with laughter
The words were music as she turned away
I'll meet you at midnight
Under the moonlight
I'll meet you at midnight
Oh, but Jean-Claude, Louise-Marie will never be
Each cigarette would light a thousand faces
Each hour that pass seeam like a thousand years
Midnight was turning into empty spaces
The sound of laughter'd disappeared
I'll meet you at midnight
Under the moonlight
I'll meet you at midnight
Oh, but Jean-Claude, Louise-Marie will never be
A summer morning on Les Champs Elysees
The entertainment in the street cafe
The sunlight melting through an open doorway
Jean-Claude has left to face another day

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